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About The SSMD Group

SSMDG Gran Turismo Championship

The SSMD Group Gran Turismo Championship has a rich history dating back to 2009, when fourteen drivers based in Hong Kong competed in various championships for two years. However, as many drivers started families, the racing had to be put on hold. 

In August 2018, Franco Wong and Bem Ho reconnected and, along with other drivers, launched the SSMD Group Gran Turismo Championship. Today, the championship is growing with twenty-three drivers and counting.

Each championship season features a new theme, from Touring Car Races and Japanese Performance Cars to Modern Classics and the V8 Sportscar Showdown. The seasons consist of eight rounds, with one round of three races held every fortnight. The races include a qualifying event to determine the final sixteen grid slots.

To accommodate drivers of different skill levels, the SSMDG Driver's Level is ranked in Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Green based on their experience in Gran Turismo and Average Score per Attended Race (ASPAR) in the SSMDG Gran Turismo Championship.

A unique Balance of Performance system is applied to drivers to ensure fair races based on the Lap Analysis of each race. Also, SSMDG Race Regulations are in place to cover any rules the Gran Turismo AI system missed.

We are proud to see the championship growing and look forward to welcoming more friends to join us. Lastly, we would like to extend our gratitude to our championship sponsors.

Castle Australia


Evolve Racing

Fuchs Silkolene



Gtech Oil Additives


Oasis Tech

P&P Garage

Reflections HK

Rocket Battery

Scene by Ice Fire

Shadow M Photography




Zoom Car Life

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SSMDG Chatroom Episode 3
SSMDG Gran Turismo Championship

SSMDG Chatroom Episode 3

SSMDG Chatroom Episode 3 今集請到一眾藍組車手分享對SSMDG及電競的總總 Chapters: 0:00:00 前言 0:01:25 鳴謝各贊助商 0:03:00 車手介紹 0:08:39 什麼時候開始接觸賽車遊戲? 接觸過哪幾個賽車遊戲? 0:19:57 為什麼決定參加SSMDG的比賽? 0:29:36 點解願意留在SSMDG那麼久? 是愛、還是喜歡SM 自己? 0:33:16 SSMDG與其他電競賽車比賽有何分別? 0:40:10 最喜歡SSMDG哪一個賽季? 為什麼? 0:46:59 對SSMDG的BoP以及比賽賽制有什麼看法? 0:58:45 SSMDG比賽中最難忘是什麼? 1:02:25 現實賽車中,心目中有沒有一個好喜歡的車手? 喜歡的原因是? 1:07:01 覺得電競賽車跟現實汽車操控上接近嗎? 1:10:29 歴代Gran Turismo最喜歡哪一條賽道? 1:12:20 GT 7不日推出,希望見到什麼新改進? 1:20:42 參加SSMDG賽事已經一段時間,最大得著是什麼? 1:35:28 最喜歡的SSMDG車手是誰? 1:38:36 GT Sport裏面,最喜歡開哪一組別的車? 例如:Gr. X, Gr. 3, N400, N100? 1:41:51 給下一位受訪問車手的問題 ------------------------------------------------ -Official Website -Faceboook -Twitter #ssmdg #gtsport #gtsporthongkong #granturismo #granturismohongkong #granturismosport #playstation #simracing #simracinghongkong #esports #esportshongkong #motorsport #motorsporthongkong #zoomcarlife #classicsracer #carplus #fuchssilkolene #koosport #gtechoiladditive #oasiseat #pnpgarage #rocketbattery #shineautosalon #thunderx3
SSMDG Chatroom Episode 4
SSMDG Gran Turismo Championship

SSMDG Chatroom Episode 4

SSMDG Chatroom Episode 4 今集請到一眾Classicsracer Sports Cup的得獎車手談談賽季的總總 Chapters: 0:00:00 前言 0:00:45 廣告時間 0:01:56 車手介紹 0:06:35 Stanford:連赢五季,好快勁過咸美頓,悶未? 0:08:48 Stanford:今季第一回合,因賽車嘅設定問題令成績落後咗,之後憑乜嘢方法去追返分數呢? 0:09:57 Stanford:今季比賽,難道最高係乜嘢? 0:14:39 Leo:第一季跑SSMDG錦標賽感覺如何? 0:16:56 Leo:第三回合因網絡問題,令到成績退後咗,之後憑乜嘢方法去追返分數? 0:17:30 Leo:下一季金組將會有新加入車手,會有乜嘢對策?下一季跑法會唔會有變? 0:18:17 Alan:闊別頒獎台一段時間,係咁困難嘅情況之下追返第三,感覺如何? 0:19:16 Alan:今季比賽之中,對你威脅最大嘅對手係邊個? 0:20:21 Alan:下一季One make比賽冇咗賽車性能嘅分別,比賽上策略會有咩改變? 0:22:06 Mickey:第一次參與全季比賽,已經有咁驕人嘅成績,請問有乜嘢特別秘訣? 0:25:24 Mickey:比賽時side by side技巧好好,平時有冇特別練習? 0:27:41 Mickey:全季賽事,最深刻邊一場? 0:32:37 Kit:從一個賽季裡面只攞廿幾分,到今日可以上頒獎台,當中行咗幾多苦工? 0:34:32 Kit:今季有個別會合中,可以打低金銀組嘅車手,感覺如何?點樣可以贏到佢哋? 0:36:04 Kit:下一季比賽,將會取消藍組車手錦標賽,藍組車手喺有BoP協助之下,可有機會問鼎三甲? 0:37:38 Karl:作為近幾季藍組錦標賽嘅三甲常客。今季比賽有冇遇到特別困難?邊位車手最有威脅? 0:38:55 Karl:今季有機會長時秘密練兵,對自己嘅技術有冇顯然進步? 0:39:38 Karl:下一季比賽將會禁用Traction Control,覺得對賽事會帶嚟乜嘢衝擊? 0:41:38 下季Civic Cup嘅展望 ------------------------------------------------ -Official Website -Faceboook -Twitter #ssmdg #gtsport #gtsporthongkong #granturismo #granturismohongkong #granturismosport #playstation #simracing #simracinghongkong #esports #esportshongkong #motorsport #motorsporthongkong #zoomcarlife #classicsracer #carplus #fuchssilkolene #koosport #gtechoiladditive #oasiseat #pnpgarage #rocketbattery #shineautosalon #thunderx3
Sardegna - Road Track - B__48.jpeg

"If in doubt, go flat out"

Colin McRae


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SSMD Group always looking for new drivers to join the championship. We accept all level of drivers to enjoy great racing.

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